
Hello! I'm Jana!

Aspiring techie/developer, based in Sydney AU

I'm currently an SEO & content coordinator looking to expand my skillset and develop in the technical space. My current journey has involved learning HTML, CSS, Javascript and responsive web design.

My work

see my previous work


Vegan meal plan

This was my first project and involved a single web page. I chose to design a page that allowed users to choose a vegan meal plan. The text on page changed via javascript depending on the users selection. This was a fun project though I wish I had spent more time planning and focusing on design.

Weather app

This was my second project and involved providing a real weather forecast using API. Though I am mostly happy with the design, this project challenged me. I wish I had more time to fully study and understand API calls and javascript but with a full time job, it was challenging to study this as much as I would have liked.
